This website is provided by Developing Capacity Coaching, LLC under the dba The BEE FREE Woman and is for informational purposes only.  Nothing contained on this website constitutes advice of any kind (including but not limited to legal, medical, life, or professional advice (i.e., information or advice that is provided pursuant to any professional certification or license)).  The information provided on or through this website is not intended to be an exhaustive summary or comprehensive in nature and is not a substitute for personalized professional advice.  Because this information is general in nature, it should not be relied upon for any purpose or as complete information regarding any of the matters discussed, but rather, should be used to complement a general understanding of the subject matter.  While we hope this information is helpful, we can undertake no responsibility whatsoever to provide updates to this information.

The information provided through this website (even if it were to be characterized as “advice”) is NOT provided pursuant to the authority of, or pursuant to, any professional certifications or licenses, even if the information was originally provided by someone who held such a certification or license, and you should not treat any information provided through this website as such.  You are not entering into any type of relationship that would entitle you to client privileges.