Distinguishing intuition from unhealed trauma

Our last blog defined intuition and addressed getting to the root of the fears that block your ability to be led by it. Today, I provide tools to distinguish your intuition from unhealed trauma.

Your inner compass

Think of your intuition as your inner spirit’s compass, whose sole purpose is to bring you peace, joy, clarity, and love, even in the face of difficult decisions.

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Unhealed Trauma vs. Intuition

In stark contrast to intuition, unhealed trauma is a result of unprocessed negative emotions that resurface, keeping you bound in fear, doubt, and anger. Emotions are left unprocessed when we either escape them (by numbing ourselves with drugs, food, etc.) or suppress/repress them (either consciously or subconsciously, thus preventing much-needed expression). You have to be willing to both process and let go of the negative emotions to heal the trauma. You will then be free to use your intuition with greater confidence that you are not being misled by that trauma. Use this chart to discern what’s guiding your decision-making. Want more tools on how to let go of the negative emotions? Check out this video on releasing negative emotions and sustaining positive emotions. Be sure to have your journal ready so you can do the activities!

Connecting this month’s blogs, the voice of trust and love is from your intuition and leads to peace. The voice of fear and doubt leads to unnecessary pain. Your voice directs your thoughts, thoughts direct your emotions, and emotions direct your actions. Awareness at each point in this cycle is key!

Go on a deeper journey to live from your full power with Dr. Fisher’s book, The Power Within Me: the road back home to the real you!

Next week, we go deeper with more tools!

With love and solidarity,

Dr. Annice E. Fisher

Founder, The BEE FREE Woman

Annice Fisher