The Heart of Imposter Syndrome is about Trusting Yourself

With our blogs, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Webinar, and Bye Bye Imposter Syndrome campaign, we’ve provided tools to shatter imposter syndrome. We close with a discussion on the heart of imposter syndrome--distrusting yourself.  

Imposter syndrome sets its claws on women of color with pesky ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) that tear down our self-trust and intuition.

Common ANTs include:

Ready to reclaim your trust_.png
  1. “I can’t do this.”

  2. “They don’t think I am smart enough.”

  3. “Who am I to lead this work? I am not qualified!”

Pick an experience where you lost your self-trust and I guarantee you can trace it back to an ANT. The best way to handle ANTs is to reframe them with the truth. For example: “I can’t do this,” becomes “I can do this. I have a track record of success and I am capable of handling this.

With love and solidarity,

Dr. Annice E. Fisher

Founder, The BEE FREE Woman

Stay engaged! We dedicate the month of June to Trusting My Voice!

Annice Fisher