Move to the Dance Floor to Kick Imposter Syndrome to the Curb

You’ve been on the balcony long enough. Now  it’s time to get on the dance floor. Borrowed from adaptive leadership, this process involves using “balcony” knowledge to create an intervention. We have defined, identified, and determined imposter syndrome triggers. Are you ready to use your newly-acquired balcony knowledge to kick imposter syndrome to the curb?

Let’s Dance with Intention

Intentions differ from goals because they are a way of “being,” requiring more consciousness.

  1. Set a 30-day intention for resisting your default imposter syndrome behavior. For example: I will let my expertise shine by unapologetically sharing my knowledge at work and home.

  2. Block 10 minutes daily to reflect: does my behavior align with my intention? Yes? Celebrate! No? Give yourself grace. Identify the misalignment and the negative impacts of not changing. Re-start tomorrow.

  3. Stay in it until the intention becomes a habit!

Next week, we conclude with: the intersection of trusting yourself and imposter syndrome!

With love and solidarity,

Dr. Annice E. Fisher

Founder, The BEE FREE Woman

Stay engaged during this month’s theme on Imposter Syndrome

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