Find out what contexts trigger your imposter syndrome

Learn what contexts trigger your imposter syndrome

Learn what contexts trigger your imposter syndrome

Last week’s blog discussed 10 ways imposter syndrome  shows up in women of color.  Today, we peel back the first layer by “getting on the balcony.” Borrowed from adaptive leadership, “the balcony” allows you to pause, analyze your context, and identify patterns.

Let’s go!

First, identify your default imposter syndrome behavior. Next, record the last time you exhibited this behavior (when). Now, answer the remaining 4 whys:  where did it happen, what happened, who was there, and why did you do the default behavior (this is the trigger).  

Go deeper!

For the next 7 days, be yourself and track when your default behavior shows up. Every night, get on the balcony and answer the “W” questions. On day 7, connect the similarities across each context. Voila. You now have the contexts that trigger your default behavior.

Next week, we share another tool for overcoming imposter syndrome!

With love and solidarity,

Dr. Annice E. Fisher

Founder, The BEE FREE Woman

Stay engaged during this month’s theme on Imposter Syndrome

Annice Fisher